Monday, September 9, 2013

TRICKS TeamGym Athletes go to Olympic Training Camp in Texas

I can never seem to figure out blogging.  These pictures are backwards starting here with Emily and Sara and their car full of kids heading back to the airport.
 We are going to include some dancing we did here in our new TRICKS group dance!  Thank you Joni for sending the choreography just in the nick of time!
 Coach and Andy from TRICKS and coach Jessi from Flip 2 It (our gymnastics cousins).
 Coach Emily and Hope :-)
 Last photo at the famous camp.  We'll be back next year!
 Our last night in camp we finally got some dessert!  A pool party complete with Smores.

 Coach Michael is about to catch a giant square piece of candy in his mouth.  He taught all of us coaches some fun games!
Learning about stunting.  It's a big part of the new collegiate program NCATA.  
National Collegiate Acro & Tumbling Association

 Learning to be a good base.

 Partner tricks.  Not as easy as they look.

 It was surreal to be in the actual gym that our top gymnasts work out in after the national team is chosen.

 This is the brand new mini tramp that we are buying from Sweden.  The first time the girls jumped on it, they could hardly control their power!  It was awesome!!
 George Hery is a very famous gymnastics and trampoline coach.  He's 75 and still going strong.  His coaching style is so calm and reassuring.  The girls all loved working with him and the coaches learned a lot listening to him.

 We got stuck in the Sac airport for 7 hours!!!!  It took us all day long to finally get to Houston.


 Here we go on an unbelievable and unforgettable adventure.

 Coaches class in the new Acro and Trampline gym on the ranch.  Don Spencer in the green shirt is responsible for many of the AWESOME changes coming to the TeamGym discipline.

 This is the first ever national training for TeamGym at the Karolyi Ranch and National Training Center.


 The bugs ARE bigger in Texas!
 NCATA coach instructing the gymnasts on stunting and partner tricks.
 I just happened to have the camera poised when someone biffed it on vault :-)

 I think that board is too close....can they really spot me...this gym is a little intimidating....

 Don and George doing an amazing session on vault with our kids.
  Working the half on for vault.

 O.K., this is pretty cool...

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