Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Why Are Kids Ringing The Bell?

I had a couple parents ask me today so I thought I would clarify.

For school age gymnasts (6 and up), they set three goals on a "goal card"
during the week that we lit the flame, May 21-26th. They should have that
card at home. The coach has a record of the goals set. Each time they
achieve one of their goals, they get to ring the bell. That's why we want
you to clap! Something really cool just happened for that child. As long
as they achieve at least one goal, they have earned their gold medal to
be awarded at the "Performance and Awards Ceremony", August 11-16.

The Tumblebunny age (0-5), get to ring the bell each time they learn a
new trick. I had a one year old ring it today for doing a two footed jump
for the very first time on the trampoline. That is one of THE BIGGEST
skills for the brain and body to perform. Ring that bell!!!

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